Fitting Exercise In

I like to point out exercises that are quick and easy to insert into our daily routines. We have been conditioned to think of exercise as having to be long and strenuous, when in fact, small segments of movement contribute greatly to increased happiness, productivity, and overall health and fitness.

The average individual aims to exercise up to an hour each day. The other twenty three hours of the day hold the key to greater health and fitness benefits. Some things that people have told me they enjoy range from taking a few stretches each hour, working on the garden for a few minutes, a walk around the house and dancing in the kitchen. The possibilities are endless! When we move more often, we achieve the benefits of raising the heart rate, stretching and strengthening the muscles, improving posture and balance, increasing feelings of confidence and wellness, and so much more.

I encourage you to think creatively and have some fun finding ways to move throughout the day!

This article was printed in the Vermont News Guide on 3/29/2021 by Lisa May


Nutrition Coach


Vegan Baked Granola