Creating Positive Habits

One of my favorite approaches towards increasing health and fitness is implementing small, very achievable actions that can easily become part of a daily routine. Small steps in the right direction can definitely lead to a healthier lifestyle, greater energy and improved wellness. This method allows you to start at your current fitness level and to work within your individual time frame.

As an example, take a look at your morning routine. One habit that is an easy addition is drinking a glass of water. Every day, before coffee or breakfast, simply drink a glass of water. This easy to implement habit boosts body process, mood, energy, and more. Over time, you could then stack a second habit to the first - possibly adding a short walk after breakfast. Stacking habits in this way is a sustainable path towards positive change.

It is important to track the progress of these actions and to pay attention to the benefits we receive by engaging in them. Notice feeling more energetic, stronger, more flexible, etc. Knowing that these new habits help us to feel good both now and in the future, we strive to move toward a more conscious awareness of the choices we make and why we make them.

This article was printed in the Vermont News Guide on 8/8/22 by Lisa May


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