Exercising With A Personal Trainer
Every day, more and more individuals opt to join health and fitness programs. Predictably, some concern themselves only with diet and giving up habits that no longer serve them. Others begin more arduous physical programs, most for health reasons, but some just to feel that they look better then before. Increasingly, participants seem to be more aware of personal health and the positive link between exercise and health. The emerging pattern shows that exercise and fitness activities have fast become as integral part of a healthy lifestyle as many occupations become more sedentary. Often times, interested participants are likely to begin with trying something a friend recommended or something they have seen in the media. Without direction or a definite plan, it can be frustrating to not see progress. Enthusiasm wanes when one is trying and not seeing results. This method is somewhat akin to building a house without a blueprint. Planning, of course, would produce a better house. A planned exercise program would save time and energy while providing motivation for building a stronger, healthier body. The key is to find a suitable program. The right information and a few small changes can make a great difference in the effectiveness of a fitness program. An increasingly popular option is to consult a Certified Personal Trainer.
Personal Trainers provide guidance and counseling, as well as motivation. What used to be a service available to and associated with only the rich and famous, has evolved into a more common and affordable practice. Before beginning, the Personal Trainer and the interested participant discuss their specific goals. Together, they work closely to acheive a smooth transition into a new exercise program, based on the participant’s past and present health. This transition period may include incorporating exercise into a busy schedule, as well as finding exercises that bring enjoyment. Mentally, the participant benefits from knowing that thay are getting the most out of every workout, because Personal Trainers keep the motivation level high long after the initail commitment phase wears off.
Lisa May is an AFAA Certified Personal Fitness Trainer/ Fitness Practitioner. She has been working in Manchester, Vermont and the surrounding areas for over 28 years. Prior to coming to Vermont, Lisa taught at New York Health and Raquet Clubs in New York City. Lisa is available to assist you with individual or group classes in area fitness facilities, yoga centers, your workplace and your home. She is experienced in setting up fitness programs safely and effectively that will help you to make progress and enjoy your workouts. She works with all ages and fitness levels - with a specialty in working with Seniors.
The Fitness Practitioner is a next level Certification for Personal Trainers that provides extensive education in working with individuals who have varied health and fitness needs.